feed me
Senin, 18 Maret 2013

            In my opinion student encourage study to get a grade ( mark ), there are four reason  why the students encourage study to get a scholarship : they want to get a scholarship, standars minimum requrirement, they want get a popularity
            First they want to get a scholarship for example if your score good you can get a invitation from best university , good major and you will join without placement test, I think your parents will be proud

            Second the minimum of requirement for instead in Indonesia you mst pass the final exam and you must reaches at lest of minimum score 5,0. If you can’t be able to pass you must do it next year

            Third the popularity for instead if your score good enough you can be a famous, all people know about you ,  oyur hobies, your address, your number phone , etc and you proud yourself

            Fourth you have probability to join to government school such as military / police academy, school of accounting. You can get a salary ,  pay less to pay school cost , you will get a book without fee after you complete the education your future and the career are good

In conclusion Learning is one way to improve our students ' achievement. However, there are other opinions about the learning that can develop a mindset that has been dormant about creativity students and students and students so that students do not think instant. However, in the present-day concept of learning is not conducive anymore like the old days especially many students and student learning just chasing good grades in order to be accepted universities  favorites and look cool with good value.That should be emphasized is the correct way of learning so us not oriented with good grades are important ' s core processes first and later would result affairs good or bad values that are important learning turn the ' ve we discovered is already subject matter that has been teaches the the teachers or not?

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